Community Solar Energy Farm Program In West Virginia

Accelerated WV Community Solar Farm Development and Interconnection

West Virginia

Farmland owners and local WV community participants can now own shares in West Virginia community solar power plants.

Our 2 – 5 MW Fast Track Landowner and Community Owned Solar Farm Development Program is tailored for the residents and landowners of West Virginia.

Our goal is to bring power, profits, and jobs to the people of West Virginia. By analyzing Federal Energy Regulation Committee guidelines, Solarcollab has created a low-cost, fast-track model to develop, fund, and build 2 – 5 MW solar farms in West Virginia.

Why only only 2  – 5 MW? 

Because they can be built and connected to the grid quickly, at low cost, and with fewer regulations.

Our unique program, developed by Solarcollab, allows landowners to earn income from leasing their land and also own part of the solar farm.

We apply for rural grants to lower the cost of each solar farm and raise funds using various Financial Technology models on the Solarcollab Investment Platform. Utilizing blockchain, we sell shares of the Community Solar Power Plant to local community members. This program redistributes profits back to the people of West Virginia by crowdselling ownership shares of each solar farm.

Four Phases to Develop a Community Solar Farm in West Virginia

Site Assessment

Evaluate the land for solar farm suitability.

Community Engagement

Involve local stakeholders and residents.

Financing and Fundraising

Leverage DeFi, grants, and community funding.

Construction and Deployment

Build the solar farm and associated systems.

What defines an optimal Solar Farm site location in West Virginia?

Solarcollab’s Fast Track Landowner and Community Owned Solar Farm program in West Virginia utilizes blockchain-based Fintech protocols to develop these solar projects cost-effectively. This approach allows us to offer equity shares of the solar project to landowners and the local community. Instead of profits going to a large corporation, they are redirected back to the landowner and the community. Check if your land meets the following criteria:

Making Solar Farm Ownership Accessible in West Virginia"

Delivering Renewable Energy to Your WV Community in West Virginia. Utilizing the Internet Computer framework, we provide a transparent, secure, and efficient method to fund and manage community solar farms. By tokenizing shares on the blockchain, we enable community members in West Virginia to invest and take part in governance via a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). This approach ensures equitable profit distribution among all participants.

Host A Community Solar Farm Application Form

Become part of our WV community solar initiative in West Virginia. If you own land in West Virginia and are interested in hosting a community solar farm WV, please complete the application form to begin. Fill out every field so we can initiate the evaluation process to determine if your property qualifies for our community solar development program.

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Proposed Solar Farm Site Address
Land Ownership
Size of the land parcel in acres
Parcel ID Number
Local Electric Utility Name
Website url of your utility company
Selected Value: 1
Degrees of slope?
Does the land have front road access?
Is there a three-phase power line next to property?
How many miles away is the nearest substation?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Take a google map screenshot of your land parcel and upload it here w/ your property boundaries outlined in red.
Go to google maps, left click in the middle of your property, then copy and paste in the parcel map URL.

Participate in Our Upcoming Community Conference Call for West Virginia.

Participate in our upcoming WV community call to discover more about the Community Solar Energy Farm Program and ways to get involved in West Virginia. We will cover the core value proposition, funding strategies, and the advantages of community ownership.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about our 2 – 5 MW Fast Track WV Landowner and Community Owned Solar Farm Program in West Virginia.

West Virginia Landowners and Solar Farm Ownership.

A solar land lease is a contract between the property owner and Solarcollab that allows us to build a solar farm on your property in exchange for lease payments to the landowner. Each land lease contract is different, but generally the contract is for 20 years and sometimes there may be an option to extend the term for an additional number of years.

The power generated by the solar farm will be sold to your power grid. This could be a local co-op, large energy company, or individual company.

With the current process involving city planning, permits, and navigating the average 4-year USA interconnection queue bottleneck, the installation of a solar farm can typically take several years. However, our community solar program is designed to be prioritized at the top of the interconnection queue, significantly reducing the timeline. As a result, our solar farms can be installed and operational within six to twelve months. During this time, you’ll be free to continue using your land.

Solarcollab will contract out the operations and maintenace   for the solar farm during its life, and will remove all equipment and reclaim your property once the project has ended.

The presence of a solar farm on your property can affect property taxes, but the specifics depend on local tax laws and regulations. Generally, property taxes may increase due to the added value of the solar infrastructure. However, in many areas, there are tax incentives, exemptions, or reductions available for renewable energy projects that can offset these increases.

As for who pays the taxes, it typically depends on the lease agreement between the landowner and the solar farm operator. In most cases, the solar company leasing the land will cover any additional property taxes resulting from the installation of the solar farm. It's important to clearly outline tax responsibilities in the lease agreement to ensure there are no unexpected costs for the landowner.

The amount of land required for a typical solar farm depends on the scale of the project and the desired energy output. On average, it takes about 5-10 acres of land to generate one megawatt (MW) of electricity. For smaller community solar projects, you might need 1-5 acres for a few hundred kilowatts of capacity. Larger utility-scale solar farms can require hundreds of acres to produce multiple megawatts of power.

Factors such as land topography, shading, and local zoning regulations can also impact the land requirements. It's essential to conduct a site assessment to determine the suitability and optimal size for your specific solar farm project.

Choosing the right solar developer is crucial for maximizing your land's potential. Our Community Solar Energy Farm Program uniquely offers multiple revenue streams that no other developer provides, ensuring you make the most money. Here’s why our program stands out:

  1. Land Lease Agreement: Steady, long-term rental income.
  2. Solar Energy Production: Sell electricity back to the grid or directly to consumers.
  3. Energy Storage Systems: Earn more by storing and selling energy during peak times.
  4. Prefabricated Modular Growhouses: Generate additional revenue by cultivating high-value crops year-round.
  5. Vertical Farming Systems: Maximize crop yields and increase sales.
  6. Solar-Powered Water Irrigation: Reduce water costs and improve crop productivity.
  7. Biochar Soil Enhancement: Enhance soil fertility, yielding premium-priced produce.
  8. Solar-Powered Cold Storage: Preserve produce quality and sell at higher prices.
  9. IoT Sensor Precision Farming Data: Increase efficiency and profitability with real-time monitoring.
  10. AgrisolarAI Monitoring and Optimization: Use AI to optimize farming practices and predict yields.
  11. Carbon Credit Generation: Earn income from carbon credit programs.
  12. Mobile Plant Extraction Lab Processing: Create value-added products on-site.
  13. Crop Product Manufacturing: Expand market reach with manufacturing capabilities.
  14. Community Ownership and Tokenization: Share profits with the community and benefit from blockchain liquidity.

No other developer offers this comprehensive suite of income opportunities. By choosing our program, you maximize your earnings and contribute to community and environmental sustainability.

Hosting a solar farm on your land through our Community Solar Energy Farm Program offers multiple revenue streams, making it highly lucrative. We are the only solar company that has all of these revenue stream models that pay back to the landowner and community. Here are several ways you can generate income by hosting a solar farm on your land:
1.  Land Lease Agreement: Lease your land to our community solar program and receive a steady, long-term rental income. By entering into a land lease agreement, you allow the installation of solar panels and associated infrastructure on your property. This arrangement provides you with a reliable source of income without the need for active management or significant upfront investment. The lease terms are flexible and designed to ensure fair compensation while preserving your rights and usage of the land. This is an ideal option for landowners looking to maximize their land's potential with minimal effort.
2.  Solar Energy Production: Earn income by selling the electricity generated from the solar panels back to the grid or directly to consumers.
3.  Energy Storage Systems: Increase reliability and income by storing solar energy and selling it during peak demand times when electricity prices are higher.
4.  Prefabricated Modular Growhouses: Enhance agricultural productivity and generate additional revenue by incorporating crop production alongside solar energy production. These modular, climate-controlled growhouses allow for year-round cultivation of high-value crops. Benefits include:
a. Increased crop yields and profitability
b. Ability to grow a diverse range of crops regardless of external weather conditions
c. Additional rental income by leasing growhouses to other farmers or agricultural businesses
d. Improved land use efficiency by combining renewable energy production with agriculture
e. Vertical Farming Systems: Maximize crop yields by using vertical farming techniques, allowing you to grow more produce and increase sales.
5.  Solar-Powered Water Irrigation: Improve crop productivity and reduce water costs by utilizing solar-powered irrigation systems.
6.  Biochar Soil Enhancement: Enhance soil fertility with biochar, leading to higher crop yields and better-quality produce, which can be sold at premium prices.
7.  Solar-Powered Cold Storage: Reduce post-harvest losses and preserve produce quality with solar-powered refrigeration, allowing you to sell fresher products at higher prices.
8.  IoT Sensor Precision Farming Data: Implement IoT sensors for real-time monitoring and management of farming operations, increasing efficiency and profitability.
9.  AgrisolarAI Monitoring and Optimization: Utilize our generative AI model, AgrisolarAI, to optimize farming practices, predict yields, and identify areas for improvement, leading to increased profits.
10.  Carbon Credit Generation: Participate in carbon credit programs and earn additional income by contributing to environmental sustainability.
11. Mobile Plant Extraction Lab Processing: Offer mobile processing labs for value-added product creation, enhancing market opportunities and profitability.
12.  Crop Product Manufacturing: Develop manufacturing capabilities for crop products, expanding your market reach and increasing revenue through wholesale and retail sales.
13.  Community Ownership and Tokenization: Benefit from the community ownership model, where profits are shared among participants. Additionally, tokenizing assets on the blockchain can provide liquidity and facilitate easier transactions.
By integrating these diverse revenue-generating assets and services, you can significantly enhance the profitability and sustainability of your land while contributing to the community and the environment.

Absolutely. Our Community Solar Energy Farm Program is designed to allow landowners to have ownership stakes in the solar farm on their property. This means you can directly benefit from the revenue generated by the solar farm, in addition to other income streams such as land lease payments and crop production. By owning a part of the solar farm, you not only maximize your financial returns but also play an active role in promoting renewable energy and community sustainability. This ownership model ensures that profits are shared within the community, giving you a vested interest in the project's success.

Getting started with Solarcollab is easy and straightforward. Follow these steps to explore hosting a solar farm on your vacant land:

  1. Fill Out Our "Host A Solar Farm Application" on this webpage to see if your land qualifies for partnering with Solarcollab. 
  2. Site Assessment: We will conduct a comprehensive site assessment remotely using Google Maps and our advanced Solar Design software. This process includes evaluating the land’s suitability for solar panel installation, reviewing local regulations, and discussing your specific needs and objectives.
  3. Proposal: Based on the site assessment, we will provide a detailed proposal outlining the potential revenue streams, project timeline, and terms of the agreement.
  4. Agreement: Once you review and agree to the proposal, we will finalize the contract, ensuring all terms are clear and mutually beneficial.
  5. Development: Our team will handle all aspects of the project development, including permits, construction, and connection to the grid.
  6. Enjoy the Benefits: Once the solar farm is operational, you’ll start receiving income from various revenue streams, including lease payments, energy sales, and more.

Fill out our "Host A Solar Farm Application" on this webpage to see if your land qualifies for partnering with Solarcollab. We look forward to helping you make the most of your land while contributing to a sustainable future.

Internet Computer Protocol Solar Farm Project Funding.

The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a blockchain network developed by the DFINITY Foundation that enables the development of scalable and secure internet services, including decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, with high performance and low costs.

The Internet Computer Protocol offers numerous benefits, including enhanced security through advanced cryptography, scalability to handle large-scale community projects, reduced costs compared to traditional cloud services, and decentralized governance, ensuring transparency and community involvement in decision-making processes. Additionally, it provides anti-fraud track and trace capabilities for all community project funding, costs, and revenues, as well as real-time and real-world asset tokenization of the {{mpg_city}}, West Virginia community solar farm.

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a blockchain-based governance model that allows participants to vote on project decisions.

These are physical assets like solar farms that are tokenized and managed on the The Internet Computer blockchain.

Converting ownership rights of an asset into digital tokens on the blockchain.

A decentralized ledger technology that ensures transparency and security.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) leverages blockchain technology to offer financial services without traditional intermediaries.

Financial strategies that support projects aimed at mitigating climate change, including carbon credits.

A DAO-managed fund is an investment fund governed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). In this model, community members collectively make decisions about investment strategies, fund allocation, and profit distribution. This decentralized approach ensures transparency, inclusivity, and democratic participation, allowing all members to have a say in how the fund is managed and how returns are shared.

The Agrisolar GreenYield Fund is a digital fund designed to support the development of community agrisolar projects. It leverages blockchain technology to provide transparent, secure, and efficient financing solutions. The fund focuses on adding sustainable agriculture activities with your community solar farm offering investors the opportunity to participate in environmentally-friendly projects that generate both financial returns and positive environmental impact.

Blockchain technology ensures transparency by recording all transactions and project activities on a decentralized ledger. This immutable record allows community members to track funding, expenses, and revenues in real-time, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring accountability throughout the project's lifecycle.

Tokenization converts ownership rights and project assets into digital tokens on the blockchain. This process enables fractional ownership, making it easier for community members to invest in and benefit from the solar farm. Tokenization also enhances liquidity, allowing tokens to be traded on secondary markets, and ensures secure, transparent management of assets.

Directory of West Virginia city community solar farm locations.

Abbott Accoville Albright Alderson Alexander Alum Bridge Alum Creek Amherstdale Anawalt Anmoore Annamoriah Ansted Anthony Apple Grove Arbovale Arista Asbury Athens Auburn Augusta Aurora Baker Bald Knob Bancroft Barboursville Barnabus Barrackville Bartley Bartow Bayard Beards Fork Beaver Beckley Beech Bottom Belington Belle Belmont Belva Bemis Bens Run Benwood Bergoo Berkeley Springs Berwind Bethany Bethlehem Beverly Big Chimney Big Creek Big Sandy Birch River Blacksville Blakeley Blennerhassett Bluefield Bluewell Boaz Bolair Bolivar Bolt Boomer Bowden Bradley Bradshaw Bramwell Branchland Brandonville Brandywine Brenton Bridgeport Brighton Brohard Brookhaven Brooks Bruceton Mills Bruno Brush Fork Buckhannon Bud Buffalo Burlington Burnsville Cairo Caldwell Camden on Gauley Cameron Camp Creek Capon Bridge Captina Carolina Carpendale Cass Cassville Cedar Grove Century Ceredo Chapmanville Charles Town Charleston Charlton Heights Chattaroy Chauncey Cheat Lake Chelyan Chesapeake Chester Circleville Clarksburg Clay Clearco Clearview Clendenin Cleveland Clifftop Clintonville Coal City Coal Fork Coalton Coketon Colcord Comfort Core Corinne Cottageville Covel Cowen Coxs Mills Crab Orchard Craigsville Cross Lanes Crum Crumpler Cucumber Culloden Cuzzart Dailey Daniels Danville Davis Davy Deep Water Delbarton Dellslow Delray Despard Diana Dixie Dorcas Dunbar Dunlow Dunmore Durbin East Bank East Dailey East Lynn Eccles Eckman Edray Eleanor Elizabeth Elk Garden Elkins Elkview Ellamore Ellenboro Enterprise Erbacon Evans Fairlea Fairmont Fairview Falling Spring Falling Waters Falls View Farmington Fayetteville Fellowsville Fenwick Ferrellsburg Fireco Flatwoods Flemington Follansbee Folsom Fort Ashby Fort Gay Four States Frank Frankford Franklin Frenchton Friendly Frost Gallipolis Ferry Galloway Gandeeville Gap Mills Gary Gassaway Gauley Bridge Ghent Gilbert Gilbert Creek Glady Glasgow Glen Ferris Glen Fork Glen Jean Glen Rogers Glen White Glendale Glenville Glenwood Grafton Grant Town Grantsville Granville Great Cacapon Green Bank Green Spring Greenview Greenville Griffithsville Gypsy Hacker Valley Hambleton Hamlin Handley Harman Harpers Ferry Harrisville Hartford City Harts Hedgesville Helen Helvetia Henderson Hendricks Henlawson Henry Hepzibah Herndon Hernshaw Hico Hillsboro Hilltop Hinton Hodgesville Holden Hometown Hooverson Heights Hundred Huntersville Huntington Hurricane Hutchinson Huttonsville Iaeger Idamay Ingleside Inwood Ireland Itmann Ivydale Jacksonburg Jane Lew Jefferson Jeffrey Jenkinjones Jerryville Junior Justice Kanawha Kearneysville Kenna Kenova Kermit Keyser Keystone Kiahsville Kimball Kimberly Kincaid Kingston Kingwood Kistler Kopperston Laneville Lashmeet Lavalette Leewood Lenore Leon Leopold Lesage Lester Lewisburg Lindside Littleton Lizemores Logan Lorentz Lost City Lost Creek Lowsville Lubeck Lumberport Maben Mabscott MacArthur Madison Magnolia Malden Mallory Man Mannington Marlinton Marmet Martinsburg Mason Masontown Matewan Matheny Mathias Matoaka Maybeury McConnell McMechen McWhorter Meadow Bridge Meadow Creek Mellin Middlebourne Middleway Mill Creek Millstone Milton Minden Mineral Wells Minnehaha Springs Mitchell Heights Monaville Monongah Montcalm Montgomery Montrose Moorefield Morgantown Moundsville Mount Carbon Mount Hope Mount Nebo Mount Storm Mullens Murphytown Myrtle Nallen Neibert Nestorville Nettie New Creek New Cumberland New Haven New Martinsville New Milton New Richmond Newburg Newell Nitro North Hills Northfork Nutter Fort Oak Hill Oakvale Oceana Old Fields Omar Onego Orlando Osage Paden City Page Pageton Parcoal Parkersburg Parsons Paw Paw Pax Pea Ridge Peach Creek Pennsboro Pentress Petersburg Peterstown Petroleum Pettry Philippi Pickens Piedmont Pike Pinch Pine Grove Pineville Piney View Pleasant Valley Plymouth Poca Pocatalico Point Pleasant Powellton Pratt Prichard Prince Princeton Proctor Prosperity Pruntytown Pullman Quinnimont Quinwood Rachel Racine Rainelle Rand Ranson Ravenswood Raysal Reader Red Jacket Reedsville Reedy Rhodell Richwood Ridgeley Ridgeview Ripley Rippon Riverton Rivesville Robertsburg Robinette Rock Cave Rockport Roderfield Romney Ronceverte Rosedale Rossmore Rowlesburg Rupert Saint Albans Saint George Saint Marys Salem Salt Rock Sand Fork Sandyville Sarah Ann Sardis Scarbro Scherr Schultz Scott Depot Shady Spring Shanghai Shannondale Shenandoah Junction Shepherdstown Shinnston Shrewsbury Sissonville Sistersville Slanesville Slaty Fork Smithburg Smithers Smithfield Smithville Sophia South Charleston Spelter Spencer Springfield Squire Stanaford Star City Stirrat Stollings Stonewood Strange Creek Summersville Sutton Swandale Sweet Springs Switzer Sylvester Tanner Teays Valley Terra Alta Thomas Thornton Thurmond Tioga Triadelphia Trout Tunnelton Twilight Union Upper Tract Valley Bend Valley Grove Valley Head Van Verdunville Vienna Vivian Waiteville Wallace Walton War Ward Wardensville Washington Waverly Wayne Webb Webster Springs Weirton Welch Wellsburg West Hamlin West Liberty West Logan West Milford West Union Weston Westover Wharncliffe Wheeling White Hall White Sulphur Springs Whitesville Whitmer Wick Wildell Wiley Ford Williamson Williamstown Windsor Heights Winfield Wolf Summit Worthington Zela

Landowners and local WV community members can now own solar farms in West Virginia.